Thursday, 21 August 2014

Chu Ko Nu

     This is the "Chu Ko Nu". It also known as The Repeating Crossbow.In the recent war of Chinese against Japan within the year 1894 to 1895, The Chu Ko Nu was used in the interior of China. This weapon is highly effective compared to a normal crossbow. Instead of shooting 1 to 2 arrows, The Chu Ko Nu can release 10 arrows in 15 seconds. The Chu Ko Nu loads four times-if not more- faster than the normal crossbow. The cartilage for storing arrows are the reason for the swift loading time. This weapon also has a disadvantage.The arrowheads are often dipped with poisonous substance. This is because the small and light arrow causes the weapon to have less penetrative power. By dipping poison, this weapon will be deadly even if it only slices the skin.

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